Friday, October 3, 2008

Health Care Concerns

Read: Health care: Crisis of Epidemic Proportions

I couldn’t find this editorial about health care any less than 100% factual and true. This opinionated response basically explains how poorly the American Government has been taking care of its citizens’ health and also proposes the solutions brought up by our current leading presidential candidates. The writer states “In 2007, 45 million non-elderly people in the United States lacked health coverage.” 45 MILLION?! That is a ridiculous amount of people uncovered. Obama’s plan is great idealistically, but when it takes close to costing $65 billion dollars a year (which was never brought up), that proposes a huge problem. McCain brings up the offer of tax credits; problem with that is a person with higher end health issues such as cancer or something of much more severity won’t be covered with just $5000. It’s tough to have and keep insurance, hard enough trying to get it. To those who are covered, their eyes aren’t open to the hardships of those who aren’t. Those medical bills sky rocket leaving the average American with nothing but a life to live… and a bill for $75,000. There are people in this nation who refuse to step foot in a hospital when they in drastic need of medical attention. It’s a huge contributing factor to our current economical problem but hey, what more debt could we get into? It seems like we will never really be out of trouble. We can’t leave these uninsured people with no hope just because they don’t meet the “criteria” to be considered covered. I know you can’t expect every problem we face to be solved, things just don’t work that way, but the way I see it… priorities in America are all screwed up.

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