Friday, October 31, 2008

The US Government!

Here is what I think about the US Government today. It is ineffective, costly, and complicated.


Government fails to address the plethora of problems put before it. There always is a lot of talk but rarely any action is ever taken. When the government does move to take action who knows when we can expect results? Just to get something done they have to go through a whole check list of processes and balances to make sure that it is the best interest of the people. When something gets done it rarely even solves the problem and most likely creates even more unanswered question leftover for the future.


Where has all the money gone? The term “pork barreling” is not known by many people but it is what the use Senators as well as Representatives of House to get reelected. It means bringing money and benefits back home to those who requested it. Costly government programs are hardly ever relevant. Sometimes it is ridiculous for a university to do a research experiment on how beetle lives and reproduces. Another thing, the Senators and Representatives sometimes set their own wages, as much as $130,000 a year! It all comes out of our taxes and then we actually pay them to do their jobs, even if nothing has been done?


Not many people today are very influenced by the actions of the government. An average American may feel the Government is too complicated to keep up with so they have a real lack in interest. Every American now days rely on the media. The media only gives what people information based on what earns money. The viewers today are only interested on something nosier such as sex scandal of a Senator rather than what actions he or she performed in office.

1 comment:

HAOWEI said...

I have read an editorial “The US Government” by my classmate Kenneth in his blog "The National Prerogative." I agree with him that the government is ineffective, costly, and complicated today. When our Founding Fathers created the legislative, executive, and justice systems, they put many limits on their authorities in order to separate the power and make them check and balance each other. However, this huge and complex government has so many difficulties to pass a law or make a decision. Nowadays, we are living in the 21th century where everything changes so fast. This unproductive and ineffective ruling style should be improved. For example, they should eliminate the filibuster which has waste so much time and killed so many bills. I also agree that the government is costly and extravagance. The campaign of the Senators, Representatives, and president are very expensive. Instead of spending the huge money on election, why not spend it on the things that are crying needs. Moreover, as Kenneth said, the imperfect system enables some officials to make “pork barrel” for pleasing their constituency. Indeed, people do not mind to tax themselves to pay their representatives and senators, but they are disappointed and dissatisfied about the ineffective outcomes of the government. In addition, the complicated government and misleading media keep public out of the reach information and politic affairs. Maybe the rulers should spend a little budget on establishing an exclusive channel to inform the nation about what is going on inside the government; who the candidates of an office are and what their plans and supports are; which bills are on debates, and so on. At least, we should do something to improve and update the ineffective, costly and complicated government of the United States.