Friday, September 19, 2008

Candidates react cautiously to financial plan

Suddenly there is an interest in the financial problems of America. It recently came to the attention of the two presidential candidates Obama and McCain. I find it really interesting that this was brought to attention so late, this has been a preexisting problem since… well forever. Obama seems to bring up the fact that Bush is our issue, McCain sees it as not much of a problem and Obama is just spreading poor judgment of the factor. McCain's plan I think is ridiculous and most likely won't work to well and Obama doesn't want to discuss the details of his just yet. Take a look at the article yourself, its worth your time. Make sure you take a look at both of the Presidential nominees websites on details about their plan. Our nation really has to get its self out of its debts, the market is going down and U.S. banks are getting into heavy trouble.

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